CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck

After launching a rebranded website for CPG Digital, their CEO asked me to help refresh the sales deck. We collaborated on the script, and then I designed a new presentation template that fit with the new brand. The structure loosely follows a pitch structure I created based on the top questions investors told me needed to be answered before they would ever consider investing.

To see more slides and presenter's notes, there are download links are at the bottom of this page.

CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck
CPG Digital Ad Sales Deck

How can I help you?

Does your brand need a bit of a pick-me-up? How about your sales presentation or that big investor pitch? I can help. My brain is wired to find order in chaos. Call it a superpower if you like.
